Il 14 dicembre 2024 sono entrate in vigore alcune modifiche al Codice della Strada (C.d.S.). Al fine di chiarire alcuni dubbi emersi a seguito della riforma, in qualità di Tossicologi…
continua a leggere... Modifiche al Codice della Strada: Cosa è CambiatoCategoria: Alcol e Stupefacenti alla Guida
Disabilità e Idoneità alla guida
Drug-impaired driving and traffic collisions: Study on a cross section of the Italian population
Sara Odoardi, Giulia Biosa, Serena Mestria, Valeria Valentini, Nadia De Giovanni, Francesca Cittadini, Sabina Strano Rossi The present study focuses on the association between road accidents and the presence of…
continua a leggere... Drug-impaired driving and traffic collisions: Study on a cross section of the Italian populationNew evidence of high association between carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and alcohol-related road traffic accidents. A retrospective study on 929 injured drivers
Nadia M Porpiglia, Franco Tagliaro, Rocco Micciolo, Luisa Canal, Giacomo Musile, Federica Bortolotti Background: It is well known that traffic injuries still represent one of the main causes of death and that high blood alcohol concentrations…
continua a leggere... New evidence of high association between carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and alcohol-related road traffic accidents. A retrospective study on 929 injured driversDriving under the influence of drugs: Prevalence in road traffic accidents in Italy and considerations on per se limits legislation.
Favretto D, Visentin S, Stocchero G, Vogliardi S, Snenghi R, Montisci M Traffic Inj Prev. 2018;19(8):786-793 Abstract OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to present the prevalence and concentrations of drugs in blood samples of drivers…
continua a leggere... Driving under the influence of drugs: Prevalence in road traffic accidents in Italy and considerations on per se limits legislation.Alcohol and drugs use among drivers injured in road accidents in Campania (Italy): A 8-years retrospective analysis.
Carfora A, Campobasso CP, Cassandro P, Petrella R, Borriello R Forensic Sci Int. 2018 Jul;288:291-296 Abstract A recent update of the Italian Road Traffic Law (RTL 41/2016), established severe penal sanctions when drivers, driving under the…
continua a leggere... Alcohol and drugs use among drivers injured in road accidents in Campania (Italy): A 8-years retrospective analysis.Workshop. Omicidio stradale: alcool e sostanze stupefacenti.
7 giugno 2019 Il workshop affronterà i diversi aspetti di criticità insiti nel processo di definizione dello stato di alterazione psico-fisica di un conducente che cagioni la morte o lesioni…
continua a leggere... Workshop. Omicidio stradale: alcool e sostanze stupefacenti.